UAMS seminar at Henderson: Information for future medical careers


William Matthews

UAMS was ranked 43rd in nation for nursing school.

Last week the Henderson State Pre-Med Club held a meeting about future careers. They invited a recruiter from UAMS, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, to talk specifically about Genetic Counseling. The speaker had to cancel because of a conflict in scheduling, but UAMS still sent Recruiting Specialist Destiny Carter to talk to the students and answer their questions.

For events like this, normally specialized recruiters are sent. A genetic counseling specialist was going to talk about the different career paths and opportunities for a medical student in the field of genetics. Other information sessions are held throughout the year across many campuses in Arkansas covering different medical fields like Radiology, Audiology, Speech Pathology, and Dentistry. Last Tuesday we got a little bit of everything.

Carter handed out papers and booklets with general information. It listed several different job opportunities at UAMS, what people actually do, the various program requirements, how long it takes to finish them, and the approximate starting salaries.

One more detail that was important from this presentation was the job shadowing. Job shadowing is a normal way to show new employees or trainees how to do their job and what is expected of them. Carter explained that, “Because of the pandemic, UAMS has not been able to offer shadowing opportunities like we have in the past.” Another important note was that because she was a recruiting specialist and not a specific counselor, she was not able to explain the process as in depth as would be provided at the normal information sessions.

Even though this was not the expected event, there was still a lot of useful information for medical students looking at finding their career path. UAMS is still holding specific information sessions at Henderson this December. Audiology and Speech Pathology is on the 1st, another Genetic Counseling is on the 6th, and Dental Hygiene is on the 10th. For any more information on these events or for career information at UAMS please contact Destiny Carter. Her email is [email protected] and her office number is 870-779-6053.