This High Schooler Got Accepted into 27 Universities and Offered $4 Million in Scholarships!

high schooler got accepted into 27 universities

“When hard work pays off, it’s a sweet victory.” This quote perfectly illustrates the educational journey of this American teenager. He has indeed been accepted into 27 universities and was offered… $4 million in scholarships!

Jonathan Walker is an American high school student with a strong work ethic. And it’s safe to say that this young man knows what he wants in life: to be happy and to help others.

His Application Was Accepted by 27 Universities

However, he could hardly imagine that his academic journey would interest the most prestigious universities in the United States. Indeed, Jonathan was accepted into all 27 universities he applied to.

Among them are Harvard and Yale, two institutions that are part of the Ivy League, a group of eight private universities with very low admission rates. The 18-year-old high school student also received $4 million in scholarships.

“It’s just crazy to think that I applied to all these universities and got accepted. It’s such a rare thing to happen, I’m so excited about it,” he told ABC News.

He added, “I could see myself at every school on my list. I didn’t apply to any where I didn’t think I could be happy.”

The High School Student Wants to Contribute

Jonathan has not yet decided on a particular faculty, but he plans to study entrepreneurship and engineering. His passion for science was born when his parents gave him a chemistry kit.

This gift allowed him to channel his curiosity: “I realized I could use engineering to help people,” he shared with the television network. Today, the boy who has grown up wants to help underprivileged communities.

It’s worth noting that Jonathan has already created a device to improve the daily lives of deaf and visually impaired people: “I’ve always loved creating devices to help people, so I really want to go further with this.”

One thing is certain: he will meet the challenge with flying colors.

Lance Brownfield
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