The importance of a vote


Haley Spicer, Sports Reporter

Voting has never been more imperative to society than it has been this year. A lot of unexpected and unprecedented circumstances have occurred throughout the year and Nov. is a huge month. HSU athletes, especially the men’s basketball team has made it a priority to get to the polls and vote whether you vote early or on election day.


On Oct. 30, Henderson State’s Men’s Basketball made a post that said, “Only four days until Election Day! Our program encourages everyone to get out and use your vote!” Capitalized under those words of motivation is a picture of the team that says “100% Voting Registration and Participation.”


Head Coach Jimmy Elgas retweeted that post with a comment of his saying, “Proud of our guys transforming thoughts and feelings into tangible action! #TeamTogether. A statement like that is powerful and it shows that being an athlete is more than just playing a sport. It symbolizes that change needs to happen and they are starting with themselves and showing how it needs to be done. 


With all the injustices and things that have occurred, voting serves as the first step to committing to change outside of just advocating and saying something needs to happen. Athletes all over the world have talked about the importance of voting and the imprint that HSU has shown contributes to the effort. 


The amount of awareness that voting brings shows how much needs to be done. The Reddies Men’s basketball is showing how valuable a vote can mean and why you should vote. They also participated in the Black Lives Matter march that displayed what they represent as an organization in unity. Ensuring that Black Lives Matter relates back to the original objective of voting because justice is not currently being done.