Finals Week


Finals Week 

That time of year that brings out two sides to a person. Excited student that’s ready to go home and the stressed-out student needing more time to study. Regardless of where you fall this is crunch time and every single point towards those grades count. This fall semester has featured many events late towards the end semester none the less the emergence of the new Henderson Greek Life has been the center of attention in the student’s eyes.  

Many studies show that students lose significant amounts of sleep, emotions are less stable, and all nighters sky rocket due to students not being prepared. This semester, plan your weeks out and do a little bit of work each day to ease up on workloads. Make study groups with friends from the class. You all can teach each other something new you may not have heard in the lecture. Keep in close contact with professors they want to see us succeed. Hopefully thess few tips can help you out during finals week.