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Haven Hughes – Suicide Awareness

Haven Hughes, Student Writer

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I did a story on suicide awareness, because September was suicide awareness month. It was really on my heart to be able to reach out to people at our university and let them know that they are not alone. In my story, I included information about help we have available here at Henderson State University, and the correct numbers to call for help, including the national suicide hot-line. I think suicide is a very important topic that not many people want to discuss, but definitely should. It is not just a problem here in Arkansas, it is a national problem and you never know when a loved one, or friend may be struggling. In the story, I also put the important three “R’s” to remember, “Recognize. Respond. Reach Out”

I enjoyed getting to write this story, due to the topic being such an important topic in our community, state, and country.

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Haven Hughes – Suicide Awareness