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Your Voice, Your Vote

Kabryn Grayson, Student Reporter

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It has been said time and time again, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” 2018 has been the year of not only political warfare, but political involvement as well. Teens have been doing their part to impact gun control reform by making one simple call to their state senators.
Another of political involvement is the millions of people turned up for the Women’s March this year.
One of the simplest ways to create change is also the most impactful: voting. In order to vote in Arkadelphia, there are a few requirements. You must be eighteen years old, a U.S. citizen, a
resident of Clark County and be registered thirty days prior to the election.
An application for new registration is available at www.votenaturally.org (insert hyperlink here).
You can also change your address, check your voter registration status, and find your polling location on the website.
If you are a current registered voter you can check your voter information by going to www.voterview.org (hyperlink). An application for absentee voting is also available on the website, all you have to do is, download, print, complete, then mail it to your county clerk’s
Arkansas’s general election will be held Nov. 6. Early voting will be held from Oct. 22 to Nov. 5. The in-person voter and postmarked registration deadline is Tuesday, Oct. 9. You can request an absentee ballot through email until Tuesday, Oct. 30. In person, the deadline to turn it in is
Monday, Nov. 5.

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Your Voice, Your Vote