Always be aware

Alliston Vetter on Title IX

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Always be aware

Students attending last week’s Title IX meeting.

Students attending last week’s Title IX meeting.

Photo by Tiara Burgess, Student Reporter

Students attending last week’s Title IX meeting.

Photo by Tiara Burgess, Student Reporter

Photo by Tiara Burgess, Student Reporter

Students attending last week’s Title IX meeting.

Story by Tiara Burgess, Student Reporter

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Last Tuesday, during dead hour, Dr. Allison Vetter, Title IX coordinator, gave a lecture on Title IX.

Vetter explains what sexual harassment and sexual violence is and how to prevent it. She talks about how it only takes two instances for something to be considered stalking. She goes on to explain that if someone were to text you and then an hour later they send you another text then that is considered two instances. “If they are spaced apart, they are different instances,” Vetter said.

Vetter then went on to talk about sexual assault and what her job involves. “When I investigate sexual assault cases that occur on campus,” Vetter said. “It comes down to consent.” She also goes into detail on what is considered consent and what is not.

If someone is unconscious, but they said yes before then that is not consent because now they are unconscious and are not able to speak for themselves or even comprehend what is going on.

“Don’t drink so much that your no longer making good decisions,” Vetter said.

She went on to show a video that compared sex to having a cup of tea and what to do if there is no consent or if there is consent, but now that person is unconscious.

Vetter explained how they can restrict access to certain parts of campus during an investigation. She explains how sometimes both parties are able to work something out so that nothing extreme has to be done.

Vetter explains how sometimes she has to install peep holes in people’s doors. “You’d be surprised how much more safe a person feels when they know who’s on the other side of the door before they open it,” Vetter said.

She explained how they are required to investigate every complaint that comes to the office. Vetter also tells everyone that not all cases have to go through the big process that the bigger cases go through.

“Arkadelphia has a sexual assault nurse examiner at the hospital here in town,” Vetter said. She talks about how this is the person that would be called if anyone needed a rape kit. She also explains how they have the what were you wearing exhibit for sexual assault awareness month.